Apocalypse ‘91 Unmasked: Don’t Panic

On June 15, 1991, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines marked history’s most catastrophic volcanic eruption in a densely populated area. The eruption spewed ash, gas, and rock high into the atmosphere, relentless earthquakes, triggering lahars (mudflows) and pyroclastic flows, which devastated the island of Luzon. The eruption caused the loss of many […]
Snakeman: Creating Compelling Cop Characters in Fiction

My journey from cop to writer is summed up in the title of Bob Dylan’s 1975 masterpiece, “Tangled up in Blue.” Creating compelling police characters in fiction is a Gordian Knot. Many see police officers as modern-day gunslingers, who protect townsfolk from outlaws and embody American justice. Others, however, have mixed feelings about law enforcement, […]
Heroes for Hope: Struggle Well

Chris Murphy endured six combat deployments, but post-traumatic growth helped him rise from despair and discover new purpose in life.
Heroes for Hope: Hope in Dark Times

“The Guardian of The Golden Gate” Kevin Briggs, featured on Heroes For Hope, is credited with saving over 200 lives from suicide attempts at the Golden Gate Bridge.
Super Survivor

“Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods.” —Doctor Peter A. Levine Johnny Cash sang, “Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring.” I burn more today than last year. The post-traumatic growth practices I learned at Warrior PATHH gets most of the credit. Warrior PATHH (Progressive, Alternative Training for Helping Heroes) is a special program that helps veterans and first responders […]
Heroes for Hope: A Man Unbroken

In the bloodied darkness Sergeant Scott Fraser momentarily mistakes a hail of bullets for bees swarming his Marines. Hear how he found hope and healing through his guitar.
Heroes For Hope : Surviving Grief

Millions of Americans are grieving at this moment. Mike Bernhardt lost his wife 31 years ago. Hear how he channels grief to rally the art community during America’s COVID crucible. Together we discover what grief is a bridge to.
Brentwood Literary Stroll 2023

Mark will be a featured author at the Brentwood Literary Stroll, May 7, 2023.Hear Mark’s story behind his epic treasure hunt adventure “Typhoon Coast”. He’ll share a glimpse into book two “Earthquake Coast.” Mark also looks forward to answering questions about the real life heroes who turn trauma into superpowers on his podcast “Doc’s Bone […]
Heroes for Hope: Taken in Ukraine

The incredible and inspiring story of an American POW held by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Follow the struggles and triumphs of a brave volunteer soldier who refused to give up.
Heroes for Hope: Vets in Action

Dive deep into the story of a veteran who followed his passion for helping victims of disasters, using his experiences to make a profound impact.