Creative Writing Life

Mark shared some NUGGETS as the featured guest on September 9th episode of Creative Writing Life hosted by fellow Marine Corps veteran Justin Sloan, and screenplay writer Paul Zeidman. Mark talked about Typhoon Coast series, writing, and treasure hunts! Tune into future episodes to enjoy expert advice and writer interviews.
What’s Really Happening

What’s Really Happening billed Mark as “The great book Author, Mark R Clifford” host Luke Sauer commented “Of all the times he’s joined me, this was probably my favorite. Great vibes!” Mark had a great time! Luke got Mark talking about his police career. One listener noted, “Who knew ex-cops could have such a […]
Ballad of the Crossroad

“Country music has never been as open to experimenting as it is now. But Nashville songwriters still operate on a series of codes and traditions not found in other genres.” —- Unknown author, Rolling Stone Magazine, June 2014 My crossroad is an armchair. I always pictured my juncture would be like a scene from the […]
Author pens exciting adventure based on true life experience

Journalist Diane Clayton wrote,”Many people retire after spending a lifetime of intense and dangerous work and happily walk into the sunset, content to spend their days relaxing with a fishing pole or tending to their garden. Moraga’s Mark Clifford is not one of those people. A bundle of energy, it’s likely Clifford, a former Marine, […]
Corporal Kevin Mooney: End of watch August 21st, 2021

August 29th will be a “Morning of Remembrance” to honor Moraga Police Corporal Kevin Mooney, who died of COVID-19 on August 21st, 2021. On Aug. 29th members of our community will gather at SiSi Caffe where Kevin was a familiar face enjoying his morning coffee with the citizen’s he loved serving. I knew Kevin since […]
So Many Great Talks Happen at the Breakfast Table

Anthony McShane slid his black socks up to where his baby blue robe began. He sprung up, then plucked two burnt slices of white bread from the toaster. “Here you go, son.” Anthony scooted his chair as close to Trent as the toast was to the runny eggs on his plate. “Did I ever tell […]
August 31st: A National Day of Remembrance

America, your veterans would like to make a proposal: Make August 31st a “National Day of Remembrance” for those who served in Afghanistan Why should America unfurl Old Glory on August 31st? Well, travel through time with me. I was an eyewitness to history at age seven. Dad was a newsman for over forty years. […]
The Fuck-It Bucket: Eddy vs. The Volcano

Eddy and I slip away to San Juliana on a tassel-strewn, shiny red jeepney to meet my girl and her friends. The platoon calls Eddy Torres “E.T.” Eddy prefers just “E” – he doesn’t share movie E.T.’s desire to go home. He loves every sin that the Philippines offers. He says he wants to be […]
In the Outside Land: Sons of the Desert Edition

Like I did, Trent spends much of his childhood racing around on his bike from one fascinating place to another. I also wondered if, like me, he was lulled to sleep by the roar of lions at the zoo, pounding ocean surf and the monotone of foghorns.
Those times can never be duplicated, unless you demolish hundreds of homes, cart away the ruins and convert the land into a massive playground. If there is a real “Sons of the Desert,” the men’s club parodied in Laurel and Hardy films, then I want to join. I was truly a son of the desert of sand dunes that once formed a checkerboard that ended at the Pacific.
The Bat Cave: A doxxing we will go

Who remembers watching the Batman TV series in the 60’s? Batman and Robin certainly knew how to model the humanitarian nature of bringing order to Gotham City. They were the quintessential beat officers armed with everything needed to de-escalate any deadly situation with Batman’s trusty utility belt. Their dialogue was priceless, with classic banter like […]