FCC Free Radio

A desk in a radio studio used by Mark R. Clifford, a former USMC police officer.

Sunday noon to 3 on fccfreeradio.com in studio 2b. I’ve got author Mark Clifford back on the show. I’ve got real extraordinaire Jinelle Marshall In studio also. She’s great at a lot of things. Tune in! fccfreeradio.com

San Francisco’s Italian Athletic Club Fleet Week Luncheon

An aerial view of a city skyline and a clock tower with a police presence.

Privilege to dine with Donald F. Reid today at San Francisco’s Italian Athletic Club Fleet Week Luncheon. Don served in the Korean War as a Marine machine gunner and was awarded three Battle Stars. Semper Fi! Don and his associates, who include former Peninsula Rep. Pete McCloskey, another Korean combat veteran, have raised more than […]

American Legion Post 105

An image of a school building with an American flag, taken by Mark R. Clifford in Typhoon Coast.

The San Francisco Bay Area has one of the highest veteran population in America. A Veterans Study polled more than 700 veterans to help identify opportunities for program development, public policy and community collaboration in the Bay Area. I was recently blessed to talk at the American Legion about my “Warrior Week” journey at Zac […]

California Writers Club

A white dog accompanies a man sitting next to a motorcycle on the Typhoon Coast, in this historical fiction tale set during the USMC era.

Mark is proud to announce that he is the Program Chair for the California Writers Club. CWC is a group of novelists, memoirists, poets, and nonfiction writers. Mark’s goal is to make crafting both enjoyable and educational. Mark books speakers for September, November, January, February, April, May, and June. Workshop programs are booked for October […]

Creative Writing Life

A historical fiction novel featuring a bald man in a leather jacket, intertwined with police and USMC elements.

Mark shared some NUGGETS as the featured guest on September 9th episode of Creative Writing Life hosted by fellow Marine Corps veteran Justin Sloan https://imdb.me/JustinSloan, and screenplay writer Paul Zeidman. Mark talked about Typhoon Coast series, writing, and treasure hunts! Tune into future episodes to enjoy expert advice and writer interviews. https://www.facebook.com/groups/526997941213421

What’s Really Happening

Keywords: police, happening.

What’s Really Happening billed Mark as “The great book Author, Mark R Clifford” host Luke Sauer https://www.facebook.com/luke.r.sauer commented “Of all the times he’s joined me, this was probably my favorite. Great vibes!” Mark had a great time! Luke got Mark talking about his police career. One listener noted, “Who knew ex-cops could have such a […]

Author pens exciting adventure based on true life experience

A volcanic eruption releasing smoke.

Journalist Diane Clayton wrote,”Many people retire after spending a lifetime of intense and dangerous work and happily walk into the sunset, content to spend their days relaxing with a fishing pole or tending to their garden. Moraga’s Mark Clifford is not one of those people. A bundle of energy, it’s likely Clifford, a former Marine, […]