Heroes for Hope: Taken in Ukraine

The incredible and inspiring story of an American POW held by Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Follow the struggles and triumphs of a brave volunteer soldier who refused to give up.
Heroes For Hope: Rising Beyond The Ashes Thriving Beyond 9/11

Our guest Eric “Rock” Ramos was the FIRST documented responder at Ground Zero. Standing in horror, Rock radioed-in Flight 11 striking 1 World Trade Center. Listen to his incredible survival ordeal that still haunts his days. This is his story of Thriving ON! Everyone there that day has a story that needs to be told […]
Heroes for Hope: Las Vegas Mass Shooting Survivor Tells his Story

October 1, 2017 was a day that changed the lives forever for those who were in attendance of the Route 91 Harvest Festival on the Las Vegas Strip. From the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel a gunman opened fire shooting over 1000 rifle rounds into the crowd below. The tragic result was the […]
Heroes for Hope: Heroes vs our new A.I. Overloads

Deep dive into stories and healthy practices of survivors and turn trauma into superpowers. Join author, US Marine Corps veteran, and retired Police Sergeant Mark R. Clifford at “Doc’s Boneyard Heroes for Hope” audio podcast on Spotify. Join Mark and Joe “Doc” Drennen retired first responder (EMS, and Law Enforcement) and US ARMY Combat Medic […]
Heroes for Hope: Thriving Beyond Trauma

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”—Joseph Campbell (1949), The Hero with a Thousand Faces Does the news leave you uneasy about a financial crash, climate change, the next world war, politics, social media, or pandemic pandemonium? We all get anxious. In fact, California’s First Lady Jennifer Siebel Newsom is using her influence to call anxiety a public health emergency with the greatest sense of urgency. You are not […]
Ballad of the Crossroad

“Country music has never been as open to experimenting as it is now. But Nashville songwriters still operate on a series of codes and traditions not found in other genres.” —- Unknown author, Rolling Stone Magazine, June 2014 My crossroad is an armchair. I always pictured my juncture would be like a scene from the […]
Corporal Kevin Mooney: End of watch August 21st, 2021

August 29th will be a “Morning of Remembrance” to honor Moraga Police Corporal Kevin Mooney, who died of COVID-19 on August 21st, 2021. On Aug. 29th members of our community will gather at SiSi Caffe where Kevin was a familiar face enjoying his morning coffee with the citizen’s he loved serving. I knew Kevin since […]
So Many Great Talks Happen at the Breakfast Table

Anthony McShane slid his black socks up to where his baby blue robe began. He sprung up, then plucked two burnt slices of white bread from the toaster. “Here you go, son.” Anthony scooted his chair as close to Trent as the toast was to the runny eggs on his plate. “Did I ever tell […]
August 31st: A National Day of Remembrance

America, your veterans would like to make a proposal: Make August 31st a “National Day of Remembrance” for those who served in Afghanistan Why should America unfurl Old Glory on August 31st? Well, travel through time with me. I was an eyewitness to history at age seven. Dad was a newsman for over forty years. […]
The Fuck-It Bucket: Eddy vs. The Volcano

Eddy and I slip away to San Juliana on a tassel-strewn, shiny red jeepney to meet my girl and her friends. The platoon calls Eddy Torres “E.T.” Eddy prefers just “E” – he doesn’t share movie E.T.’s desire to go home. He loves every sin that the Philippines offers. He says he wants to be […]