Lava Leadership: Lessons learned from a volcanic crucible

Lava Leadership: Lessons learned from a volcanic crucible 1

Leadership is the alchemy that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. My gripping “lead to gold” story’s vivid images will transport you to the heart of a leadership conundrum. A mountain called “Pinatubo” (Tagalog for “to have made grow”) gifted me with a bulletproof leadership method: COACH (Creativity, Openness, Adaptability, Communication, and Humanity). The COACH […]

That time when my brain took an Unauthorized Coffee Break


A Stroke is no Joke, and neither is this Post I have become a cautionary tale. Every 40 seconds, someone suffers a stroke in America. To put this into grave perspective, every 40 seconds someone commits suicide in America. We talk a lot about suicide prevention, but have you ever considered stroke prevention? My instant […]

The Adventures of Snakeman 248: Unleash the Extraordinary Within!

An extraordinary man unleashes his adventurous side while holding a snake in The Adventures of Snakeman 248.

In the realm of captivating storytelling, author Mark R. Clifford has taken his Typhoon Coast adventure novel series to new heights with the creation of an exhilarating animated series called “The Adventures of Snakeman 248.” With each episode, Mark transports viewers into a world of action and intrigue, accompanied by the opportunity to embark on […]

Apocalypse ‘91 Unmasked: Don’t Panic

A historical fiction painting featuring two soldiers trekking through a desert terrain.

On June 15, 1991, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines marked history’s most catastrophic volcanic eruption in a densely populated area. The eruption spewed ash, gas, and rock high into the atmosphere, relentless earthquakes, triggering lahars (mudflows) and pyroclastic flows, which devastated the island of Luzon. The eruption caused the loss of many […]

Snakeman:  Creating Compelling Cop Characters in Fiction

A man in a suit and hat standing in front of a crowd during a historical fiction event.

My journey from cop to writer is summed up in the title of Bob Dylan’s 1975 masterpiece, “Tangled up in Blue.” Creating compelling police characters in fiction is a Gordian Knot. Many see police officers as modern-day gunslingers, who protect townsfolk from outlaws and embody American justice. Others, however, have mixed feelings about law enforcement, […]

Super Survivor 

In a historical fiction set along the typhoon coast, a woman's head is adorned with leaves and branches.

“Trauma is hell on earth. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods.”  —Doctor Peter A. Levine  Johnny Cash sang, “Love is a burning thing, and it makes a fiery ring.” I burn more today than last year. The post-traumatic growth practices I learned at Warrior PATHH gets most of the credit. Warrior PATHH (Progressive, Alternative Training for Helping Heroes) is a special program that helps veterans and first responders […]

Heroes for Hope: Thriving Beyond Trauma

A group of historical fiction characters, possibly USMC soldiers, hugging on the Typhoon Coast.

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”—Joseph Campbell (1949), The Hero with a Thousand Faces  Does the news leave you uneasy about a financial crash, climate change, the next world war, politics, social media, or pandemic pandemonium? We all get anxious. In fact, California’s First Lady Jennifer Siebel Newsom is using her influence to call anxiety a public health emergency with the greatest sense of urgency. You are not […]

Ballad of the Crossroad

An aerial view of a high ropes course near the typhoon coast.

“Country music has never been as open to experimenting as it is now. But Nashville songwriters still operate on a series of codes and traditions not found in other genres.” —- Unknown author, Rolling Stone Magazine, June 2014 My crossroad is an armchair. I always pictured my juncture would be like a scene from the […]

Corporal Kevin Mooney: End of watch August 21st, 2021

An aerial view of a green coastal valley with hills and trees during a typhoon.

August 29th will be a “Morning of Remembrance” to honor Moraga Police Corporal Kevin Mooney, who died of COVID-19 on August 21st, 2021. On Aug. 29th members of our community will gather at SiSi Caffe where Kevin was a familiar face enjoying his morning coffee with the citizen’s he loved serving. I knew Kevin since […]

So Many Great Talks Happen at the Breakfast Table

A group of USMC men posing for a photo on the Typhoon Coast.

Anthony McShane slid his black socks up to where his baby blue robe began. He sprung up, then plucked two burnt slices of white bread from the toaster. “Here you go, son.” Anthony scooted his chair as close to Trent as the toast was to the runny eggs on his plate. “Did I ever tell […]